Sunday, February 17, 2008

Obama having faint stunts

Seems like he has had too many coincidental "faints" at his events.


This is the same thing that Rudy Guliani was doing with the phone calls from his wife.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

G. Edward Griffin Lecture

This guy knows how the money manipulation works. Depressions don't come from nowhere. They are scientifically created.

Here he is at a Ron paul rally:

Get his book. It is very interesting to see how money works, and why there is inflation, that destroys your savings.


OKC Bombing inside job?

THis is why I'm afraid of what's going to happen in America once Hillary Clinton gets in.

We are told that it was just a truck bomb, but now that we have youtube, we see that there were multiple reports of bombs INSIDE of the building. That would require access inside of that federal building. How did Timothy McVeigh do that? Now, as we can see, Bush's Presidential Directive 51 says that any "Catastrophic Emergency" makes the Executive branch in control of the entire government (Legislative and Judicial)

So while we may think the bad times are over once Bush is out of office, it doesn't seem to matter unless the next president repeals many of these laws that Bush has made. It seems that Bush has been openly setting up the laws to make Martial Law legal here in the US. Once Clinton is in she could execute another false-flag terror event like OKC bombing, 911, or worse a nuclear attack.

For more information on the OKC bombing being an inside job here's a good documentary about it.

FAKE CONSERVATIVES Glenn Beck and Ann Coulter for Hillary Clinton

These two people are tool for the establishment. I wouldn't be surprised if they are both CIA. Anne Coulter has written books on how Democrats are stupid, yet she's going for Hillary. THESE TWO NEED TO BE EXPOSED!

Glenn Beck

Ann Coulter

These are additional reasons why I see the establishment pushing for Hillary.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

CNN bias


CNN completely omits Mike Gravel, yet pictures John Edwards who dropped out last week. On the republican side, they don't picture Ron Paul. Here on their candidates page, they actually show all the candidates, yet if you notice, they choose terrible pictures for Mike Gravel and Ron Paul. Photobucket

Hillary Obama 08

The establishment has been pushing these two for over a year now. Rupert Murdoch has been funding Hillary Obama is also connected to the CFR We see that these both will be a match in heaven

Shattered Union

lone Gunman Pilot Episode

This episode ran on Fox, months before 911. Basically the government pulls off 911 to get more funding. Supposedly a CIA guy talked to the writiers, and told them that this would be a good idea for an episode...who knows. creepy either ways.