The Attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11th 2001 was a STAGED event! The television set was the psychological tool used to engulf fear into everyone watching. Television reaches millions of viewers at once programming the minds of anyone noncritical. Thus the same version of the event was programmed into the global society as the world set its eyes on the television in astonishment. The towers were hit by hijacked airlines and then the towers collapsed like pancakes, we were all shown and told over and over again. And of course, Al Qaeda was responsible with out any investigations!!
Let me explain how this media event took place…
The first plane hit the WTC and there’s only one video showing this event (Nadet “911”), so it wasn’t captured on live television. Then the cameras started rolling from every direction towards the smoke of the first WTC Tower. Fifteen minutes later, WTC tower 2 was hit by a plane and was captured on live television giving the drama of reality. FEAR TV directly to millions at once! This was the first stage of the mass psychological induced fear state upon the populace. Anyone watching this is in total awe. We begin to question what is happening, and the television anchors start reading the scripts given to them by “government officials” to tell us what we are witnessing. Within forty minutes the Pentagon is attacked setting the stage that this is an attack on our very country.
We are then told that the planes were hijacked by terrorists, probably Al Qaeda. All that built up fear and confusion was now focused upon a common enemy, and his face was Osama Bin Laden!
Twenty minutes later WTC tower 2 collapses broadcasted on live tv! The television broadcasts show explosions bringing down the tower as we are TOLD that they collapsed due to jet fuel fire and pancaking floors. This is when all hysteria breaks loose with more death and fear on live television. Thirty minutes later WTC tower 1 collapse in a similar fashion. The psychological fear induced media terror event is brought to you wherever you live on live reality television. Multiplied by the millions who are tuned into the television anywhere in the world…FEAR! We are under attack by terrorists! And to the uncritical…this is how it happened. No other questions.
That’s how you get the populace of the world set into a culture of fear. The television was the tool to broadcast the fear across the globe times millions, with a reality tv touch of authentication. The same version of reality presented to us was duplicated into the minds of billions of television viewers. Live television is truth and the anchormen are there to tell us what to make of the images.
Until...7 hours later in a smokey dusty New York skyline, a third building collapses, WTC building 7. This event, separate from the attacks in the morning, barely gets any mention since. But to critical thinkers and researchers, this event is the most important. WTC building 7 collapses into its own footprint, very closely resembling a controlled demolition by explosives. But who could have put explosives in theat building? The answer to that question would lead us to find the real terrorists.
More thorough investigation and research is needed to better understand what exactly happened that day. Out of my own personal research I have concluded the following:
1. Explosives were used to bring down both World Trade Center Towers and WTC building 7. There was molten steel lava at the WTC site weeks afterwards!
2. WTC 7 was where command operation was. It housed the CIA, FBI, and other government agencies. It also had to come down that day to destroy evidence held within. See Barry Jennings’ story (died 2008).
3. Planes struck the twin towers, but may not have been the airline flights we told. More than likely military aircraft. See pilots for 911 truth.
4. The military was having simulated war and hijacking exercises that distracted our defense, and was basically the same scenario that unfolded the same day! (The military didn’t know if the hijackings were real or simulated)
5. A plane flew over the pentagon, but did not fly into the pentagon. Explosives and/or missile were also used there. See April Gallop’s story
6. Norad had a stand-down order not to shoot down any plane heading towards the pentagon. See Norman Mineta’s testimony.
7. The destruction at the pentagon destroyed the financial sector, destroying any paper trails, and the $2.3 trillion of missing funds that Donald Rumsfeld announced on 9/10.
8. Flight 93 was shot down, not taken over by passengers. That was a cover story to give us the narrative of American heroism and more drama. See live video of the flight 93 crash and Donald Rumsfeld’s slip up.
I could continue, but these are the main bullet points. We have still not been given the full truth of what happened that day. The highest levels of our government and possibly other intelligence agencies orchestrated the 911 attacks. These arab terrorists were unable to put explosives in the buildings and have Norad stand down. This terrible event lead the way billions of dollars being given to the US military to start an endless war in the Middle East. President Bush was right when he said that the terrorists hate our freedoms, as the Constitution has been spit on and thrown away in the name of fighting terror by our government. 2,751 people were murdered in the WTC, and more thousands from the ongoing war on terror. The result of which lead to more FEAR across the globe! This was a psychological operation to terrorize anyone watching the event on live television and believe everything we were told without questioning. Please do your own research and speak up for the victims who can no longer speak.
First plane hits WTC 1
Eyewitness report explosives at the World Trade Center
WTC 1,2, and 7 collapses
Fox News interviews Mark Walsh an hour after the collapse relaying official story
CNN reports connections to Bin Laden before towers collapse (9:55am)
Owner of the WTC building Larry Sylverstein “pulled” building 7
Military drills of plane hijacking
Barry Jennings WTC 7 survivor (died 2008)
April Gallop pentagon survivor bomb interview
Rumsfeld says $2.3 trillion missing from Pentagon
Flight 93 was shot down
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
Art/Acoustics/The Ocean
These are paintings I submitted to the long beach aquarium "Night Dive" We'll see if they accept them.

Sunday, January 10, 2010
New war in Yemen and more false flags
So America started bombing Yemen a few days before the supposed "underwear" bomber attempted to blow up a US bound airliner. Of course we blamed the attempt on Al Qaeda based in Yemen. It seems whenever we want to destroy a country an event unfolds giving an excuse for war. When will we learn about the fabrication of these events by the dictators of our country to take more of our rights away while starting more wars abroad. Research the Gulf of Tonkin incident which was a complete fabrication in order to escalate the Vietnam war. Fabricated media events happen all the time, and it's about time we acknowledge this and be aware of the agenda of the elitist against the free will of humanity. The war on terror is bullshit. 911 was an inside job. There were no nukes in Iraq to go after. These wars will not be stopped until we raise our consciousness and stop believing everything on the tv. 4 wars...Afganistan, Iraq, Pakistan, and now Yemen. This needs to stop!
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