Thursday, October 25, 2007

Al Qaeda started fires according to Fox News!

what bullshit! Anyone who's been in So Cal for a while, knows that these fires happen every other year. This is Fox keeping the fear of the terrorism until they hit us with the biological/nuclear attacks in the future.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Confrontation with Norman Podhoretz

This guy is a total neocon who wants war with Iran. He deserves this embarrassment for wanting untold millions dead in WW3. Go to for other confrontations.

Condoleezza Rice confronted

Confrontations like these are the differences between the protests in the 60's and today. Today, we can actually go up to these war criminals and tell them that they are criminals to their face, get it on video, and have millions view it on the internet. People all around the country are doing this, and it's really amazing to see.

Sunday, October 21, 2007


I think love is the most important aspect in anyone's life. I don't just mean the love between a mother and a son, but a love between you and EVERYONE else. Unconditionally. I think that this is the universal truth everyone is overlooking. When EVERYONE has the desire to love EVERYONE, then EVERYONE will be loved and there will no longer be anything else but LOVE. We attract our own reality, so when everyone's reality is loving each other, this will be a much better place to live. I think that EVERYONE has a chance to love everyone you come in contact with, even if they seem like opposites. We must remember that it is our outside influences that teaches us our divisions, and when we undertand that we will comprehend that we are all the same and it is our negative influences that teaches us division. The most important part of loving others is loving yourself. You are me, we are all of the same, just in different perspectives. You shouldn't have to comform to a certain perspective's religion, because the basic knowledge in all religions is LOVE! We are all the same, and when we are killing or hurting each other because of our supposed "differences", we are hurting ourselves. Our generation, and the generations after us WILL AND MUST understand this universal concept of LOVE for EVERYONE!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Look at this propaganda!! (RFID chip)

IF the globalists/international bankers have their way, we will no longer have any physical money, and it will be replaced by the RFID chip inside of you. Look at this commercial I found saying how good it's going to be...

First, they make the character look "cool" especially with the music. They then say that there will no longer be any checkout lines and there will be no more crime/stealing because everything will be monitered by the RFID chip. Without knowing the Elite agenda behind the implanted id chips, any casual viewer of this commercial will follow this propaganda and not only allow the government to chip everyone, but they will demand it, and pay for it. Sick! Please DO NO NOT GET A RFID CHIP!

news coverage of the drill in portland

My guess is that if they do make the drill "go live" they wouldn't have so much media coverage of the drill

My guess is that it will happen after the elections and in the first year of Hillary's term. But who knows. That Cheney is crazy! The bush administration may not even want elections, but looking at their approval rating, I think that they will swap the presidential powers before the next attack. We'll see...

Monday, October 15, 2007

911 Truth in Washington DC

My friend Jeremy and I went to Washington DC and went to the Supreme Court, the Capital Building, and the Washington Monument to hold up our 911 banners. We then did some freeway blogging and went to the antiwar march. All to help spread 911 truth!

Monday, October 8, 2007

911 Truth Confronts Geraldo and Fox News/Alex Jones gets arrested

On Saturday September 8th we marched around TImes Square in New York and we happened to run into a live broadcats of Geraldo and Fox News, so we decided to surround them and protest. It got pretty crazy when Alex Bullhorned them, and the police arrested him.

A group of us decided to march down to the police station where they were keeping Alex, so we chanted and stood out there until they released him. He then gave a little speech in the middle of the street.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Continuity of Government (A plan to bring Martial Law to the US in the making for over 30 years)

In 1935 The United States passed the Emergency Managment Act which gave the president power to pass laws and bypass Congress in a time of an Emergency through the executive orders. These are some of the executive orders that looks like Martial Law could be coming someday:

Some of which includes the right of the government to take over Media, trasportation, food, etc... all of which the president decides when the Emergency has taken place. This continuity of government plan was brought up during the Iran Contra affair in the 80's and they were told to SHUT UP about it. Look at how nervous everyone got when it was brought up (about a minute into it):

It is my opinion that the tragedy of Katrina was a test run of this plan. They mobilized everyone into the Astrodome in Texas and confiscated guns and the like. Now in 2007, the president signed Presidential Directive 51 gives the executive branch authority over the Legislative and Judicial branch of government in the time of a "Catastrophic Emergency"

The SPP (The North American Union) recently in august outlined a plan to have the UN take over during a flu pandemic

Oregon Senator Peter DeFazio recently asked to see the records of this continutiy of government plan but was DENIED

We know that 911 was a government sponsored false flag terror event. In order to stop this Continuity of Government Plan (Martial Law) we need to be aware of how they pulled of such an event. The next 911 will be big enough so they can declare Martial Law. It is my opinion that they will have a bio-terror "drill" that will spread chemical or biological weapons across wherever they have the drill. This will give them the excuse to quarantine affected people and send them off into "camps" to protect the non-infected, or something to that effect. To stop this, we need to stop all of these "drills" that the governemnt is preparing. Obviously they don't make every drill turn LIVE, but that is the case in 911 and the 7/7 bombings in London. The next Bio-terror drill is set for Oregon, Arizona and Guam on October 15-20th

Always keep an eye out for the drills that they have. We are going to SAVE this country from the enemies...foreign and domestic.

Bush in 08?

This was a protester in Washington DC that was protesting the protesting. I heard him talking about wanting to vote for Bush again, so I thought I would talk to him. I feel bad for people like this because they have NO idea what's going on in America right now.