Wednesday, February 6, 2008

OKC Bombing inside job?

THis is why I'm afraid of what's going to happen in America once Hillary Clinton gets in.

We are told that it was just a truck bomb, but now that we have youtube, we see that there were multiple reports of bombs INSIDE of the building. That would require access inside of that federal building. How did Timothy McVeigh do that? Now, as we can see, Bush's Presidential Directive 51 says that any "Catastrophic Emergency" makes the Executive branch in control of the entire government (Legislative and Judicial)

So while we may think the bad times are over once Bush is out of office, it doesn't seem to matter unless the next president repeals many of these laws that Bush has made. It seems that Bush has been openly setting up the laws to make Martial Law legal here in the US. Once Clinton is in she could execute another false-flag terror event like OKC bombing, 911, or worse a nuclear attack.

For more information on the OKC bombing being an inside job here's a good documentary about it.

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