Tuesday, December 30, 2008

1st year in Presidential Terms

I thought I would put a little history of how important the first year of any newly elected president:

President Johnson:
Came into power after Kennedy's assassination in November 1963. Summer of 1964, the Golf of Tonkin (False flag) incident happened which escalated the Vietnam War.

Ronald Reagan:
Reagan came into office in January 1981. On march 30th, 1981 an assassination attempt occurred which almost lead to George Bush Sr becoming president. Reagan, who was 70 years old at the time of the shooting, was intimidated by this and let Bush run things over him in his fearful stage.

Bill Clinton:
Clinton came into office in January 1993. On February 26th, 1993 the first WTC bombing (False flag) occurred which killed 6 people and injured 1,042. This was shown to have FBI involvment.

George W. Bush:
Bush came into office in January 2001. On September 11th, 2001 the terrorist (false flag) attacks occurred which started our war on terror. This has since been shown to be a black ops military operation with military drills running the same scenario on the same morning of the attacks.

So with Barack Obama coming into office this January 2009, we must be very weary of surprise events that might happen this year, especially in the context of our economical situation. We face an imminent possibility of a major financial collapse and fall into a depression. In order to distract the population, and shift our economy more towards a wartime economy, I would forecast some sort of escalation of our war in the middle east, especially with Obama's rhetoric towards Pakistan.

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